just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 21 & 22: Jan 16-29 Developing the right side of the brain.

One of our textbooks for the year.

The "Lesson Plan" 
One aspect of our experience this year has been to work our way through the book by Betty Edwards called, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain".  The notion is that we have all kinds of opportunities, especially in school, to use our dominant, "verbal/analytical" left side of the brain.  In fact, so much formal education is left-brained that the "visual/perceptual" right brain is neglected.  Our thinking is that encouraging Grant (and ourselves) to open up the right side of his brain will be beneficial far beyond his drawing skills.
Sundance Film Festival kicked off its 10 day run here in Park City.  The town turns abuzz with talk of film and possibilities of seeing a famous person.  Kate, Grant and I went to the Indigenous Shorts program and saw 7 short films that typify what Sundance is all about--the independent filmmaker telling a unique story through film.  Later in the fest Gregg, Grant and I went to a documentary called GRAB, about the Laguna Pueblo tradition of throwing groceries off their roofs on special Saint's days--an interesting mix of Native Culture & Catholicism which we saw screened at the Jewish Temple in Park City.


Brinya-Bear Hollow

Grant's cousins Brinya and Vanessa stayed with us for a few days. Vanessa was interviewing with the U of U for their Physical Therapy program while Brinya became my 'action buddy'.   Snowshoeing in Bear Hollow, hiking, swiss-bobbing in Iron Canyon...there is SO much fun to be had in Park City in the winter.