just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Week 5: procrastination, dread, catching up

I'm pretty sure when someone starts a blog their intention is to update more than once every few months.  It's like anything you start and then get behind on--the longer you put off getting back on track the easier it is to keep putting it off until you don't know where to start to get going again.   My hang-ups have been a bit of a fear of writing or rather an insecurity of being judged by what or how I write followed by 'do I go back to where I left off or start from here on...'  In answer to the first, "to hell with it", and in answer to the second, "just start writing, for Pete's sake!"

In keeping with the theme I think I'll go back and get caught up.  Week 5 was spent mostly in Park City and it was as important for me to re-connect with friends as it was for Grant.  We took Grant to the Summit Lands Conservancy breakfast where we all enjoyed seeing our friend Peter Metcalf receive the Conservancy Award.  And we had the pleasure of listening to Peter's speech.  He's very eloquent and summed it up with a quote by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it's all that ever has."  At the breakfast my Kathy friends (K-Met and K-Mears) and I planned a hike for Sat. morning and went to a party at Bonnie Beaty's that evening.  And there, Gregg got to re-connect w/ some old USU friends.  I marveled at the fact that of all the many people at Bonnie and Mark's and all the people at the sold-out Summit Conservancy event there was no overlap that I could see.  Just an observation at how you can know such different groups of people.  Next morning we connected w/ Kristen and her boys for a Round Valley bike ride and then met Seth and Kate at Maxwells for dinner after they got off work, Mon. morn my neighbor, another Kathy (K-EF) went for a dog walk, Wed. Kate and I went for a hike up Spiro and then Gregg's nephew Jess and family came for dinner, Thurs. was Rochelle's birthday bike ride in to town for breakfast!  And where was Grant while I was cavorting around?  He showed independence and self motivation by getting up and working on the 'lesson plan' that I had written in his planner early each morning.  He'd generally sleep in (to make up for the multiple pre-dawn wake-up calls at the ranch) then work on his 'school work' for a couple of hours and have some friends over after school.  
     Here it was the end of September and I hadn't been to the Farmer's Mkt  once.  I was avoiding canning because it's such a huge undertaking as is packing and unpacking for all our adventures.  It's Wed., we're going to the ranch Fri--well, maybe I can can some peaches Thurs a.m., pack that afternoon, head to the ranch Friday.  

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