just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Home: regrouping, reconnecting, salsa

We have gotten pretty good at getting home, throwing in the laundry and getting packed up for the next thing.  What FREEDOM it's been to be able to just go when the going's good.  A benefit of being on the go so much is that time spent with friends at home is extra special, especially when they are renaissance women who love to celebrate friend's birthdays with gourmet dinners and desserts as lovely as they taste.  Happy 60th KMears and thank-you Chez Met.

 10-10-10  Salsa is an all day affair for me and I don't know if it was the auspicious date or what but this was good-ood stuff.

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