just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

UEA Weekend

Kristen and Julie

Caleb takes advantage of some down time.
There's a Yellowstone River in Utah, too!  Our pit stops at home are getting pretty efficient.  After we got back from THE Yellowstone we unloaded the car into the truck, hooked up the trailer, loaded up some wood, camping gear and dog paraphernalia, hit the grocery store at dawn then took off, on a camping trip with our neighbors.  Mark chose the area with the usual criteria: not too far, dog friendly, fishing a must.  Just past Mtn. Home/Altamont in the Ashley Nat'l forest we found the perfect campsite.  The Cases are so easy to be with; Mark is the King of all things camping, Kristen the Queen of peach cobbler and making everyone feel comfortable; their boys, though older than Grant are still boys when it comes to camping and love building forts from sticks, bridges across the river, throwing stuff...they just get along well.  This year, with Gregg's help, they built bridges to an island where they had set up a bonfire which we all hiked down to in the evening by headlamp, with our s'more makings and fishing rods.  Gregg came up with a contraption for our fly rods that involved some glowy attachment that didn't end up being too effective in catching fish and drove the dogs nuts but was a hoot to fling around!
Grant cooks up come hash browns while Jesse supervises.
Kristen and Mark test the water.

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