just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 13: Thanksgiving/Grant's 13th birthday

The usual 3-1/2 hour drive took 5 hours, the last 2 to cover about 50 miles.  Lounge time at the Olmsteads was a welcome 'activity' while waiting for Kate to complete her 2 week road trip ending with the annual Thanksgiving gathering.
 We spend Thanksgiving with Gregg's family.  Usually it's in Twin Falls where 4 of his sisters live, sometimes it's in Boise where his brother and other sister live, once we had it at The Big House when we lived on Deseret Land and Livestock and once we had it in Park City about 10 years ago.
Of the 17 grandchildren 11 made it to Twin Falls though Vanessa was at her boyfriend's for the obligatory 'cousins' picture.  The Blackwoods hosted the feast this year.

Grant generally finds his way to Eila at the family gatherings.
 Back in 1997 we made our annual trek to Twin Falls for Thanksgiving and came home with a baby.  The day after Thanksgiving, after Gregg had gone pheasant hunting with the boys, Grant decided to come on out.  With 2 physcial therapists and one nurse for sisters-in-law I was in good hands, they took me to the hospital and assisted me in every way.  Gregg has always said it was the best birthing experience out of the 4--he came in just in time to hold the baby.  So, for the whole family, Grant has given an extra special meaning to Thanksgiving.
Gregg, Nancy, Seth, Julie, Kate and Grant.
The day after Thanksgiving we headed to the hills for Christmas trees.  Gregg's sisters were already halfway up the hillside by the time our family got out of the car and put on our mittens.  And they managed to cut all their trees by the time we located, cut and hauled our single tree down the mountain.  But, oh what a tree.  It "spoke" to Nancy from the woods, and she called out, "DAD, I found it!!"  It was perfect.
The Christmas tree outing in the South Hills.
Grant, Seth and Cousin Gregg
 Often, we'll have a big birthday celebration in Twin Falls but this year we left Saturday afternoon, after Gregg, Seth and Grant got back from their duck hunting expedition with 'cousin Gregg'.  There is no one more passionate about duck hunting than cousin Gregg and it was a treat for all 'my' boys to spend the morning with the ultimate duck-hunting guide doing what he loves to do most.
Swiss-bobbing in Iron Canyon for Grant's birthday.

Kate's cupcake creation--make a wish!
Sunday we celebrated Grant's birthday by going Swiss-bobbing down Iron Canyon--an hour hike up, 10 minutes of screaming fun coming down. The goal was to make it all the way without popping your balloon--poor Kate's balloon expired on the way down..  For lunch Grant requested his favorite--Karleen's Uptown Fare at the top of Main Street.  Since we never have Thanksgiving leftovers we all craved our favorite soup and sandwich place and were excited that it was Grant's first choice.  Karleen roasts a turkey every day and makes the best turkey sandwiches.  We pulled up and there it was: the handwritten note taped to the inside of the darkened window, "Cook your own damn turkey!" They'd be gone until the 8th or something, NOOOOOO.... did she leave a phone #?  couldn't she just come and make a couple sandwiches?  We settled for Wasatch Brew Pub across the street.  After lunch Grant got to play (sorry, 'hang out') with Will, then we all went to Megamind and followed up with cupcakes.  We only wish Nancy could have been with us.

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