just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 18: New Year's Eve Eve Tubing Party

As Christmas break continued Grant, as well as the rest of us, connected with friends and enjoyed our own little winter wonderland.  'Twas the night before New Year's Eve, when nobody seems to have any plans because everyone has plans for the 31st, when we had our annual tubing party at Soldier Hollow.  It's tough to pry yourself out of your warm little nest on a blustery, frigid evening to slide down a hill laughing and screaming for 2 hours BUT those rugged individuals who manage to succeed always have a great time.  Unfortunately, Gregg, who took Grant and Nancy skiing earlier in the day and survived the jumps and bumps that Grant took him down did not survive the slippery parking lot and tweaked his back while catching himself from slipping, preventing his attendance at the tubing party; and Kate, whose boyfriend planned his flight from DEN-SLC so that he could make it to the party but kept getting delayed due to said 'blustery weather', was on hold at the airport and returned home around 11p.m.--just as we were getting back from tubing.

While Grant hung out with his friends in Park City playing games and having fondue until the stroke of midnight, Gregg and I went to Logan to a Utah Public Radio fund raising event with our old friends, the 'nurds'.

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