just write

7 & 1/2 weeks into the "Walkabout". The jitters, anxiety and uncertainty of eddying out of the mainstream have disappeared. We've already logged a lot of miles and a lot of firsts, it's the year of "yes", even to algebra.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 19: Jan 2-8, 2011

Another challenge in this 'walkabout' is having other siblings home--whether they're having a day off work or home for the holidays there's a little extra focusing that needs to occur to get the school work done.  Grant did a great job of getting his work done, then having time to recreate.  Nancy and I went to Weston, ID on Monday where Eric, Open Range Consulting's computer guru, lives.  We descended down into his basement, 'Mission Control', and experienced a time-warp while entering and manipulating data on the computer and only surfacing for meals.  There are not many days in my life when I don't step foot outside, Tuesday was one of them.  Eric had Nancy and I working on different tasks and I'm sure he gave Nancy the more complicated job.  He told us that he's noticed that when training anyone younger than himself (he's in his 30's) he can show them what to do and they generally catch on after a few repetitions.  Anyone older than him likes to take notes (with a pencil and paper).  I took copious notes on each step which I referred to often while Nancy jumped in and learned it with nary a note.
Grant and Nancy in the Ice Cave.

Gregg and Grant came up Wednesday morning and after giving Grant an overview of the work that gets done at Eric's, we headed up to Birch Creek (in the Mink Creek area) for some snowmobiling with Eric and his dad.  Another 'beat-the-crowd- experience', we saw two other people the entire 50 mile tour--these were a couple of young guys who had racy machines that they could run up incredibly steep slopes doing incredibly scary looking tricks.  And, I think since we were the only other folks THEY saw out there we got a special little show.  We stopped at the Ice Caves and climbed down in, rode up to the warming hut for some lunch and then all the way to Paris, ID.  Eric was in heaven.  He's a real snowmobiling fan and we were lucky enough to have freshly groomed trails the entire way.      

Grant, Eric, Nancy, Julie, Gregg and David outside the warming hut.

A routine developed the rest of the week:  get up and get work done, which includes Algebra, Vocabulary, Grammar  and journal for Grant.  Then get some sort of exercise whether it's downhill or xc skiing, walking Sobe, snowshoeing, swiss-bobbing...on Saturdays we drop Grant off at AMP--his All Mountain ski Program and we (or whoever doesn't have a sore back) meet friends to ski at one of the local resorts.  While trying not to founder over lunch at Deer Valley, Steve threw down the ultimate invitation:  'White Rim-Mother's Day mountain-biking weekend'!  YEEEHAW!  Last time we did that Grant was in diapers and after he bounced out of the bike cart once he rode in the vehicle the rest of the way--it will be such a great experience for him at this age.  Stay tuned.
Mark, Linda, Steve, Nikki, Henry, Julie (Kristen photographer)

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